#3-7088 Lynnwood Dr, Richmond:
新 盤 ﹗ 9月 22日下 午 2:00 -4:00 開 放 2房加書 房﹐2全廁﹐大露 臺朝 南。正 層高樓 底﹐實木 地 板﹐壁 爐。一 手業 主﹐保 養佳。步 行至Thompson社 區中心 ﹐Bennett中 學 ﹐ Blair小學。只售 $398,000。
#3-7088 Lynnwood Dr, Richmond =>
Just SOLD!
Laurelwood" final phase by Townline. Only 6-year-old well maintained by original owner with fully upgraded package with the developer. 2 bdrm and den , 2 full baths with soaker tubs and tiled floor, real hard wood floor on main, designer paint,. South facing patio off the vaulted ceiling living room can be really entertaining. Open kitchen with good size nook, gas fireplace. Extra ceiling fan and dining light fixture included. Just across the street of Thompson community centre. Walk to Bennett Secondary and Blair Elementary. Hurry!
#3-7088 Lynnwood Dr, Richmond =>